Lots of divorced parents alternate the right to claim child-related tax benefits: Mom gets the exemption in even-numbered years, and Father gets it in odd years (or vice versa). In 2021, the government passed the American Rescue Plan. That gave a generous child tax credit to single filers with income under $75,000 and joint married…
Effective July 1, 2019: As of July 1, 2019, the law governing termination of child support has been modified. Under prior law, child support stopped on a child’s 19th birthday, unless the child was incapacitated. This caused a problem for families with teens who were still in high school at 19. This modification is intended…
Not without a court order. You see, going to college does not emancipate a child – even if she moves away. The age of child support emancipation is 19* unless a child is incapacitated or still are a high school student . Emancipation also occurs when a child gets married or enlists in the U.S….